1.will there be json support for memory and summaries ?
2.also can we custom build a function for saving memory and summaries and use it like the inbuild memory ?
Hi @Prajwal
Thank you for reaching out and using Phidata! I’ve tagged the relevant engineers to assist you with your query. We aim to respond within 48 hours.
If this is urgent, please feel free to let us know, and we’ll do our best to prioritize it.
Thanks for your patience!
Hello @Prajwal !
Can you please tell me more about:
1.will there be json support for memory and summaries ?
Currently you can provide added context to your Agent via context param. Sharing an example below:
context={"Name": "Phidata"},
).print_response("What is my name?", stream=True)
Also, take a look at: phidata/cookbook/agents/24_agent_with_context.py at main · phidatahq/phidata · GitHub for building a function to provide memory/context
Do let us know if you have any questions.
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it was certainly helpful !